LIHP-LIBOR - Fair Housing Training Breakfast
On Tuesday, April 1st, Long Island Housing Partnership and the Long Island Board of Realtors (LIBOR) will host a Fair Housing Breakfast Training Conference which will explore key legal and policy issues related to fair housing, civil rights, and bias prevention at the federal, state, and local levels.
Topics will include:
• Fair Housing and Civil Rights Enforcement: Updates on federal and state protected classes, recent amendments to human rights laws, and the impact of racial policies.
• Bias Prevention and Testing Programs: Strategies for addressing implicit and explicit bias in housing and real estate interactions.
• Legal and Regulatory Frameworks: Discussion of redlining, reasonable accommodations and modifications, sexual harassment, and design and construction requirements.
• State and Local Initiatives: Overviews of the Clean Slate Act, Source of Income (SOI) protections, and reporting mechanisms.

Uniondale Community Land Trust - First Time Homebuyer Program
For those interested in buying a home and who may not know where to start, the Uniondale Community Land Trust will host a 1st Time Homebuyer Workshop on Thursday, March 20th. Registration is online at www.u-clt.org

Glen Cove Deed Theft Prevention Training
The Glen Cove Age-Friendly Center of Excellence will host a Deed Theft Prevention Training on Monday, November 18th at 1:30 PM. The event will be held at the Glen Cove Senior Center at 130 Glen St. in Glen Cove.

Glen Cove Housing Summit
In collaboration with the Glen Cove Age-Friendly Program, the Long Island Housing Coalition will be hosting the Glen Cove Housing Summit at the Glen Cove Senior Center on Tuesday, October 29th.
The event will include a presentation on the history and state of housing in Glen Cove, followed by a discussion with the public while organizations including the Long Island Housing Partnership will be present to provide resources to the public.
This presentation and discussion will then be followed up with a panel-style Town Hall discussion on strategies to improve access to housing with representatives of ERASE Racism, the Glen Cove Age Friendly Program, Members of the City Council, and others. Who will take questions from the public relating to affordable housing.
To RSVP, please visit lihousingcoalition.org/gchomesummit.

National Fair Housing Conference
Members of ERASE Racism and the Long Island Housing Coalition will be attending the National Fair Housing Conference in Washington D.C. starting July 14th. For more information on the Conference please visit https://nationalfairhousing.org/2024-national-conference/

Public Hearing on Town of Hempstead proposal to dissolve Transit Oriented Development Zone
The Town of Hempstead is proposing to dissolve the transit-oriented development overlay district in North Lawrence and in Inwood without a single project having been competed in the overlay district since the zone was established in 2019 by a bipartisan effort led by then Town Councilman Bruce Blakeman and Supervisor Laura Gillen after years of study.
Long Island is experiencing a housing crisis, and these communities have also experienced blight as old industrial buildings near the LIRR station have closed down. Transit-Oriented development can reduce traffic, build a walkable community and provide desperately needed housing. Speak out against this proposed de-zoning on July 2nd at 10:30 AM.

Nassau County Rent Guidelines Board Final Vote
The Nassau County Rent Guidelines Board will hold it’s final meeting and vote on Tuesday, June 25th at 7:30 PM at Hempstead Town Hall at One Washington Place in Hempstead. They will be considering any potential rent increase at this meeting and making a final vote on any increase effective November 1, 2024.

Nassau County Rent Guidelines Board Presentation Meeting
The Nassau County Rent Guidelines Board will hear presentations from landlords and other interested parties which will help to determine their final proposed rent changes during a meeting on Monday, June 17th at 7:30 PM at Long Beach City Hall.

Public Hearing on the Melville Town Center Overlay District
The final Public Hearing on the proposed Melville Town Center and Special Use Permit Overlay Districts will be held on Tuesday, June 11th at 7:00 PM at Huntington Town Hall.
For more information on the proposal please visit https://www.change.org/p/support-the-melville-town-center-overlay-district

ERASE Racism Benefit
ERASE Racism’s 20th annual benefit will be held on June 5th at the Garden City Hotel starting at 5:30 pm. This year’s benefit honors Dr. Khalil Gibran Mohammed, Dr. Hazel Dukes, Harmony Healthcare of Long Island and as the recipient of the Elaine V. Gross Trailblazer Award Serena Martin-Liguori. Tickets can be bought now online at ERASE Racism’s website.

Downtown Revitalization Forum for Local Governments
The Long Island Regional Economic Development Council will be hosting a forum for Local governments looking to apply for Downtown Revitalization or NY Forward awards in 2024-2025. The event will be at the Farmingdale State College Campus Center Ballroom starting at 12:30 PM.

2024 RPA Assembly
The 2024 Regional Plan Association Assembly has it’s Reception on Friday, May 3rd. On Thursday, May 2nd, at 12:00 pm the RPA Assembly will feature a “Homes for Everyone” Panel that will include speakers from Long Island including Laura Harding, President of ERASE Racism. To register to attend please complete the form at this link: Webinar Registration - Zoom

Southampton Vote on Liberty Gardens
On Tuesday, April 23rd the Town of Southampton will hold a Town Board meeting where they are expected to vote on final approval for Liberty Gardens, a 50 unit, entirely affordable housing development which would provide housing to 25 veterans, and to 25 renters within the Town of Southampton. This project is in dire need of support in order to get it over the finish line, and we ask each of you to speak or submit written commentary during the Town Board meeting on the 23rd in order to support Liberty Gardens.